apologize possible wrong us in compiling sentence because newly phase learn.
Pre-Eminent PDIP, GOLKAR master for Chair of DPRD (area parliament)
Blora-Indonesia Suara Rakyat.-
This is is unique him and is complicated of legislative general election him ( year pileg) 2008 which is executed on the 9 April 2007 then. From other side complicated also mount difficulty of elector very high. But that way mount society participation of Blora high enough, namely gyrate 69 %, with joined forces with illegal voice assumption of elector of absentee.
Do not half the battle around 519.139 elector attend in TPS, from amount of elector counted 697.350 people.
End result acquirement of voice of PDIP as winner with meraup 85.687 voice, with acquirement 8 council chair. Acquirement of highest chair medium is exactly reached by Party Functional group by 9 Chair although amount only 77.114 voice. Partai Demokrat ( PD) dog in third position by 58.961 voice. Later;Then, PKB ( 33.752), PPP ( 29.765), Hanura ( 26.088). Hereinafter, PKS ( 18.835), Gerindra ( 15.395), PPIB ( 15.165), and PAN ( 14.629).
Which more interesting again the amount of womankind which sit this people proxy chair, experiencing of increase 400 % more previous disbanding. 11 Heroine of Blora ready to fight for womankind aspiration in Blora. His Super again member of DPRD Blora 2009-2014 this is predominated by new faces, namely around 38 people. Member medium old DPRD which still stay only 7 people.
Though before party of difficult democracy in this world is performed, many matter which enough fret in Blora. From other side storey;level education of elector Blora, above 50 % only grad of elementary school also the existence of threat of Golput becoming issue here.
Other side of impact gaoling it of caleg PKS that is at 2 Februari, Ceremony Judge adjudg three-month Sujad of penalty and prison of Rp 3 million subsider one coop months. He proven impinge Section 269 Law Number 10 Year 2008 about General election, cause campaign outside specified schedule is Commission General Election Of Blora. Sujad which enter in area election of Blora I ought to campaign at 19-25 January, non at 4 January.
Not to mention Committee moment Supervisor of General election of Central Java find hundreds of name of same in list elector of general election Remain to 2009 in Sub-Province of Blora. Panwaslu express there is not check of Commission General Election and there negligence element in compiling elector list remain to.
Even affect this is some LSM in Blora like BCC highlights fund update of data by KPU, what do not be exploited maximally. " I do not used up think how performance of KPU in pemutakhiran of data, clear though there is its fund from APBN, why still also happened double list," word Amin early last April.
Particularly before its pileg 2009, KPU assessed to have red notification by Bawaslu Jakarta hundreds of voting box along with hit damage voice paper of water
In the reality the constraint can overcome by KPU Blora proven by to the number of amount of elector using rights not of vote. Exactly making problem is final calculation moment of voice, found many some problem.
Summary in storey;level of KPUK the newly finish Monday ( 20 / 2) evening or 2 day of molor of its time. Tragic of him, till at 17.00 result of the general election not yet been signed by all delegation of eyewitness and parpol. Because, KPUK not yet pleno meggelar to specify result of general election. Chief of KPU Blora Moesafa have time to delay pleno stipulating of that result twice. Initialy agenda at 15.30. Because binding to sign in embryoly, pleno delayed at 16.30.
And that Schedule delayed again because binding it also not yet siap.''We still await out print result of general election to sign,'' word of Moesafa Summarize result of that last general election coloured by protest of Joko Supratno, secretary of DPC PDIP Blora. He is critic mistake of data District of Banjarejo which enter election area four. Joko have time to debate sufficiently long with Moesafa.
'' Why other district can, Banjarejo cannot (repair),'' its protest at the same time hands up of Moesafa. But, KPUK remain to be coherent and only asking for Joko write down its objection form which have been provided by institute organizer of general election.
'' Please raise objection in writing, because this enumeration remain to have to be continued,'' word of Moesafa. Besides, enumeration of that voice is also coloured some enumeration and repair repeat in a number of district caused by unegual data.
" Why moment read of summary happened change, that's which must be questioned by all party head in Blora," word of Ateng Sutarno. ( Roes).
Pre-Eminent PDIP, GOLKAR master for Chair of DPRD (area parliament)
Blora-Indonesia Suara Rakyat.-
This is is unique him and is complicated of legislative general election him ( year pileg) 2008 which is executed on the 9 April 2007 then. From other side complicated also mount difficulty of elector very high. But that way mount society participation of Blora high enough, namely gyrate 69 %, with joined forces with illegal voice assumption of elector of absentee.
Do not half the battle around 519.139 elector attend in TPS, from amount of elector counted 697.350 people.
End result acquirement of voice of PDIP as winner with meraup 85.687 voice, with acquirement 8 council chair. Acquirement of highest chair medium is exactly reached by Party Functional group by 9 Chair although amount only 77.114 voice. Partai Demokrat ( PD) dog in third position by 58.961 voice. Later;Then, PKB ( 33.752), PPP ( 29.765), Hanura ( 26.088). Hereinafter, PKS ( 18.835), Gerindra ( 15.395), PPIB ( 15.165), and PAN ( 14.629).
Which more interesting again the amount of womankind which sit this people proxy chair, experiencing of increase 400 % more previous disbanding. 11 Heroine of Blora ready to fight for womankind aspiration in Blora. His Super again member of DPRD Blora 2009-2014 this is predominated by new faces, namely around 38 people. Member medium old DPRD which still stay only 7 people.
Though before party of difficult democracy in this world is performed, many matter which enough fret in Blora. From other side storey;level education of elector Blora, above 50 % only grad of elementary school also the existence of threat of Golput becoming issue here.
Other side of impact gaoling it of caleg PKS that is at 2 Februari, Ceremony Judge adjudg three-month Sujad of penalty and prison of Rp 3 million subsider one coop months. He proven impinge Section 269 Law Number 10 Year 2008 about General election, cause campaign outside specified schedule is Commission General Election Of Blora. Sujad which enter in area election of Blora I ought to campaign at 19-25 January, non at 4 January.
Not to mention Committee moment Supervisor of General election of Central Java find hundreds of name of same in list elector of general election Remain to 2009 in Sub-Province of Blora. Panwaslu express there is not check of Commission General Election and there negligence element in compiling elector list remain to.
Even affect this is some LSM in Blora like BCC highlights fund update of data by KPU, what do not be exploited maximally. " I do not used up think how performance of KPU in pemutakhiran of data, clear though there is its fund from APBN, why still also happened double list," word Amin early last April.
Particularly before its pileg 2009, KPU assessed to have red notification by Bawaslu Jakarta hundreds of voting box along with hit damage voice paper of water
In the reality the constraint can overcome by KPU Blora proven by to the number of amount of elector using rights not of vote. Exactly making problem is final calculation moment of voice, found many some problem.
Summary in storey;level of KPUK the newly finish Monday ( 20 / 2) evening or 2 day of molor of its time. Tragic of him, till at 17.00 result of the general election not yet been signed by all delegation of eyewitness and parpol. Because, KPUK not yet pleno meggelar to specify result of general election. Chief of KPU Blora Moesafa have time to delay pleno stipulating of that result twice. Initialy agenda at 15.30. Because binding to sign in embryoly, pleno delayed at 16.30.
And that Schedule delayed again because binding it also not yet siap.''We still await out print result of general election to sign,'' word of Moesafa Summarize result of that last general election coloured by protest of Joko Supratno, secretary of DPC PDIP Blora. He is critic mistake of data District of Banjarejo which enter election area four. Joko have time to debate sufficiently long with Moesafa.
'' Why other district can, Banjarejo cannot (repair),'' its protest at the same time hands up of Moesafa. But, KPUK remain to be coherent and only asking for Joko write down its objection form which have been provided by institute organizer of general election.
'' Please raise objection in writing, because this enumeration remain to have to be continued,'' word of Moesafa. Besides, enumeration of that voice is also coloured some enumeration and repair repeat in a number of district caused by unegual data.
" Why moment read of summary happened change, that's which must be questioned by all party head in Blora," word of Ateng Sutarno. ( Roes).
Focus From other side
Wahono Chief of Panwaslu Kab.Blora
Disperse Don'T Issue, Reporting By holding responsible
Blora-Indonesia, Suara Rakyat.-
To the number of accusation some party which is flange personnel of Panwaslu accept to bribe, making chief gerah of Panwaslu (Supervisor of general election-red) sub-province of Blora Wahono. According to first one people this Panwaslu Blora, society shall party don't assess its institute performance
" As good citizen, when finding our member which accept bribe or any from all caleg immediately report by holding responsible. Don'T only throwing two-bit issue is society," word of Wahono.
As real activity evidence continue him, first Blora Panwaslu of times;rill in Indonesia succeed to bring process collision of general election until justice.
" You remember PKS caleg that is 2 of February last, Ceremony Judge adjudg three-month Sujad PKS legislative member candidate of fine and prison of Rp 3 million subsider one coop months, that's one of the real evidence of our activity," Friday sharpness ( 24 / 4) its workroom.
Beside that based on letter of bawaslu RI no 233/bawaslu/IV/2009 which accepted it 21 April 2009, x'self confess have informed against in writing finding all caleg which report to police party. At the letter told by slowest panwaslu 3 day after report of general election accepted. If Panwaslu do not report this intentionally, and do not act finding collision or report collision of general election, personnel of Panwaslu menaced by coop 3 months at longest 36 and least penalty 3 million until 36 million. " We remain to accept report collision of general election able to influence acquirement of voice, to a point 5 day before specifying result of general election nationally," express Wahono.
When asked how much accepted report until this news is written, wahono tell 6 exponent caleg. " We have menindaklanjutinya among others report of Caleg PDIP Susilo and is Double of Astuti and also from PKS Seno Margo caleg (legislative member candidate-red)," tandasnya.(Roes).
Marwan Effendy, Special Solicitor General Doing An Injustice
Public attorney of Indication Corruption in Determination of Legislative Voice
Jakarta-Indonesia, Suara Rakyat.-
Even free from general election crime ( general election), perpetrator bribe and extortion in general election still can be ensnared by corruption crime. Public attorney will act candidate of legislator ( caleg), district electoral college member ( PPK), and general election commission ( KPU) in concerned in general election corruption action.
'' That deed represent corruption doing an injustice because do not be arranged in glaring at general election,'' Special Solicitor General Doing An Injustice word of Marwan Effendy, in mass media boldness, Sunday ( 26 / 4)
Is told, public attorney have accepted many report the happening of corruption praktik, in the form of bribing, and extortion in determination of voice of caleg to be able to get away in legislative general election ( last 9 April pileg). Insincerity happened in storey;level enumeration of voice in PPK and of KPU sub-province/town/Province.
Marwan say, corruption determination of voice of caleg conducted at least with three modus. First, by filling contrengan at ballot which only menyontreng of name, of party, by enhancing contrengan at name of certain caleg.
Second, by transferring ballot to its friend of him by the name of x'self a caleg. '' Third, expressing validity by altering illegal ballot of its party or other party for caleg,'' he said.
This matter, continue Marwan, conducted by caleg cooperate with member of PPK and of KPU in area, it is of course with reward a number of money. '' That new corruption modusoperandi form. With rule of voice a lot will become legislative member, they play ballot” Marwan said.
According to him, instruction to act perpetrator of that extortion and bribery have been sent to all high public attorney head and head public attorney of country of se-Indonesia. Its section, that action can smirch pileg and only profiting a insincere caleg so that geting away to become legislative member.
Marwan affirm, member of PPK and of KPU can be ensnared to glare at corruption. Because, though do not be arranged in UU Officer, but according to UU Corruption status of PPK and of KPU can be compared to public servant. He promise, of related corruption doing an injustice reports menindaklanjuti of pemilu.(Roes)
Wahono Chief of Panwaslu Kab.Blora
Disperse Don'T Issue, Reporting By holding responsible
Blora-Indonesia, Suara Rakyat.-
To the number of accusation some party which is flange personnel of Panwaslu accept to bribe, making chief gerah of Panwaslu (Supervisor of general election-red) sub-province of Blora Wahono. According to first one people this Panwaslu Blora, society shall party don't assess its institute performance
" As good citizen, when finding our member which accept bribe or any from all caleg immediately report by holding responsible. Don'T only throwing two-bit issue is society," word of Wahono.
As real activity evidence continue him, first Blora Panwaslu of times;rill in Indonesia succeed to bring process collision of general election until justice.
" You remember PKS caleg that is 2 of February last, Ceremony Judge adjudg three-month Sujad PKS legislative member candidate of fine and prison of Rp 3 million subsider one coop months, that's one of the real evidence of our activity," Friday sharpness ( 24 / 4) its workroom.
Beside that based on letter of bawaslu RI no 233/bawaslu/IV/2009 which accepted it 21 April 2009, x'self confess have informed against in writing finding all caleg which report to police party. At the letter told by slowest panwaslu 3 day after report of general election accepted. If Panwaslu do not report this intentionally, and do not act finding collision or report collision of general election, personnel of Panwaslu menaced by coop 3 months at longest 36 and least penalty 3 million until 36 million. " We remain to accept report collision of general election able to influence acquirement of voice, to a point 5 day before specifying result of general election nationally," express Wahono.
When asked how much accepted report until this news is written, wahono tell 6 exponent caleg. " We have menindaklanjutinya among others report of Caleg PDIP Susilo and is Double of Astuti and also from PKS Seno Margo caleg (legislative member candidate-red)," tandasnya.(Roes).
Marwan Effendy, Special Solicitor General Doing An Injustice
Public attorney of Indication Corruption in Determination of Legislative Voice
Jakarta-Indonesia, Suara Rakyat.-
Even free from general election crime ( general election), perpetrator bribe and extortion in general election still can be ensnared by corruption crime. Public attorney will act candidate of legislator ( caleg), district electoral college member ( PPK), and general election commission ( KPU) in concerned in general election corruption action.
'' That deed represent corruption doing an injustice because do not be arranged in glaring at general election,'' Special Solicitor General Doing An Injustice word of Marwan Effendy, in mass media boldness, Sunday ( 26 / 4)
Is told, public attorney have accepted many report the happening of corruption praktik, in the form of bribing, and extortion in determination of voice of caleg to be able to get away in legislative general election ( last 9 April pileg). Insincerity happened in storey;level enumeration of voice in PPK and of KPU sub-province/town/Province.
Marwan say, corruption determination of voice of caleg conducted at least with three modus. First, by filling contrengan at ballot which only menyontreng of name, of party, by enhancing contrengan at name of certain caleg.
Second, by transferring ballot to its friend of him by the name of x'self a caleg. '' Third, expressing validity by altering illegal ballot of its party or other party for caleg,'' he said.
This matter, continue Marwan, conducted by caleg cooperate with member of PPK and of KPU in area, it is of course with reward a number of money. '' That new corruption modusoperandi form. With rule of voice a lot will become legislative member, they play ballot” Marwan said.
According to him, instruction to act perpetrator of that extortion and bribery have been sent to all high public attorney head and head public attorney of country of se-Indonesia. Its section, that action can smirch pileg and only profiting a insincere caleg so that geting away to become legislative member.
Marwan affirm, member of PPK and of KPU can be ensnared to glare at corruption. Because, though do not be arranged in UU Officer, but according to UU Corruption status of PPK and of KPU can be compared to public servant. He promise, of related corruption doing an injustice reports menindaklanjuti of pemilu.(Roes)
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